Our warehouse is located at Manali (outskirts of Chennai) with a stocking capacity of more than 2500 MT. Our trained team of professionals helps us in enabling quicker, prompt and effective services for our customers.
We have vehicle facilities for transporting the products with various load capacities. The EOT Crane has a capacity of 25 MT to handle materials. Another warehouse storage facility is in Parrys that serves our customers who require materials in small quantity.
Karthik Steel’s future lies in selling innovation, technology and ability in growth markets. We have built a strong foundation for growth with varied customers by enabling strategic flexibility.
Our record of accomplishment with many happy clients enables us to prosper in widely diverse markets. Our strong partnership and network with Tata Steel Limited and SAIL helped us in developing more in this industry.
- Automobile Industry
- Electrical Appliances
- Construction Companies
- Fabricators
- Industrial Equipment Manufacturers
- Pipe Manufacturers
- Railway Projects
- Containers
- Steel Pipes
- Steel Racks
- Gas Cylinders
- Deck Plates